15-Minute Discovery Call

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15-Minute Discovery Call


Discovery calls give you a chance to pick my brain!

In this 15-minute discovery call, you will have a chance to ask me questions about anything related to social entrepreneurship, being a leader, building a career in academia or as a pracademic (practitioner-academic), and more. It’s your opportunity to assess whether or not we are a good fit for working together in the future or to gain feedback on general questions.

It is particularly a great investment if you’re interested in one of WSED’s services like our coaching sessions, social enterprise bootcamp, database, or booking me for a speaking engagement, but need more information before you make a commitment.

Once a discovery call is purchased, you will receive a link to schedule our meeting.  

Please note: Discovery calls occur on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10a.m. and 1p.m.

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